Animation TV series ”Pino” targets the youngest in the TV audience. Distribution rights to the series has been sold to the Swedish and Danish national broadcast companies. Distribution rights for other regions are available.

The series consist of 40 episodes (4,30 min):
Season 1 (20 episodes)
Season 2 (20 episodes)

Please follow these links for further details (pdf):

Pino TV-series details
Pino TV-series Sales letter
Pino Season 1 ENGLISH subtitles
Pino Season 2 ENGLISH subtitles
Pino Products 2015

Below you´ll find a sample of episodes with English and French speaker.

Pino – English versions (playlist 5 episodes)

Tomi (Pino) – Version Française (playlist 5 episodes)

Pino – Korean version (playlist 5 episodes)